Hey all. I apologize for my strange absence. I was hoping to get back on a regular schedule after my vacation (I went to Tokyo!), but technical difficulties have been getting in the way. To put it simply, my external hard drive went kaput. The thing had about two comics on it that I did at work during my lunch break, so one can only imagine my frustration.

Anyways, here is a short (and not very funny) comic I did during one of my lunch breaks at work. I know it’s not much of a substitution, but it’s better than nothing, right? Maybe I’ll post more of these if people like them enough.

By the way, this mini-comic is a fairly accurate representation of what I go through every night. This would probably explain why I’m always so tired during the day, but how can anyone resist the tempting powers of the internet?

I hope you all have a great week! I’ll try to get things fixed soon!