Happy December everyone! As promised, here is a new comic to make up for the lack of one last week!

I don’t know if it’s just my old age catching up to me, but I just can’t seem to keep up with some of these work parties that I’m often invited to go out to. They actually do these parties in rounds, which I think is kind of funny. Round one will usually involve dinner, and round two can be anything from going to a bar to drink more to getting coffee. I can usually handle that, but it’s those nights that have four to five rounds that really get me.

At one of my first work parties, I didn’t come home until around 6:30AM. The party had actually started at 6PM the night before, and it was one of those nights with five rounds. We literally partied for over 12 hours straight. I don’t know how I managed to survive that one. Even in my younger years (not that I ever really partied much), I was usually heading home at around 2 or 3 in the morning. According to my Korean coworkers, a good night is one where you go home at 10AM. Based on those standards, I don’t think I’ll ever have it in me to have a “good” night.

Is this something teachers deal with as well? I know my experience can be a bit different, as I work with younger folks. I’ve noticed that while those in the education industry can drink like nothing else, they do tend to check out at more reasonable hours.