Hey all! I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday! By the time you’re reading this, I should probably still be in Seoul, enjoying my 추석 (Chuseok), also known as Korean Thanksgiving. Ideally, I’m not in some sort of horrible situation where I’d have to mime my way out.

Anyways, I’ve noticed that Korean girls love to giggle. I still haven’t quite figured out just what they’re laughing at, but it’s obviously very funny. Is this something other people experience as well? Maybe I just see a lot of it from working with a bunch of young Korean women, but this is apparently a trait that starts up at childhood and doesn’t go away until they get closer to that adjumma age. I’m sure I’m not the one they’re laughing at (right..?), but one can’t help but wonder.

That being said, I do love that many of the Korean women I’ve met seem to have an awesome sense of humor. Even if they do sometimes giggle for obscenely long amounts of time at randomly wrong moments, I do appreciate anyone with a funny bone, especially when it comes to silly things. For example, one of my co-workers thinks it’s the funniest thing when she sees two people wearing matching colors. She’ll start pointing at other things in the room that are a similar color, and then almost die laughing. It seems a little simple and maybe even childish, but I love it. Though I must admit, I don’t think I’d have as much fun if I was a teacher instead of a colleague.

Does anyone else see people getting into giggle fits over the strangest things? Are you guilty of doing the same thing at times? I know I definitely am.