For those of you not familiar with what a “food bucket” is, it’s basically Korea’s way of properly disposing of food. Since they don’t really have garbage disposals here, people are expected to put food scraps (peels, seeds, etc) into air tight buckets, which are then taken down around once a week so that people can collect the garbage as feed for their pigs. I don’t know how true that is, but that’s what I’ve been told. I wonder if they do this in all neighborhoods?

While I’m totally cool with the fact that my waste is being put to use, I am NOT a fan of the storage unit that I have to deal with as a result. When closed, it’s usually not an issue. It’s when I have to open the thing that the smell is absolutely horrible, especially during the summer months. I know some people keep their junk in their freezers to prevent the smell, but my freezer is too small for that. I’m still trying to find alternative methods.

I actually came quite close to what I believe was almost a traumatizing event a few days before I drew this comic. While carrying the food bucket through my place to go outside, it fell OPEN on the floor, splattering rotten food slosh EVERYWHERE. I have been scrubbing and bleaching the place for days, and the smell still won’t go away. I have also learned that Febreze won’t get that awful smell out of your clothes. Everything smells so sour…